Configure Frame Relay QoS 263
Table 299 Create/Delete a Frame Relay class
By default, no Frame Relay class is created.
After creating the Frame Relay class using this command, the user will enter the
frame relay class view under which you can configure the parameters like CIR.
2 Associate the Frame Relay class with the Frame Relay interface or a PVC
Please configure the association between a Frame Relay class and an interface in
interface view, and configure the association between a
Frame Relay class and a
PVC in DLCI view.
Table 300 Associate the Frame Relay class with the Frame Relay interface or a PVC
By default, no Frame Relay class is associated with the Frame Relay interface or the
Frame Relay PVC.
When using the command fr-class, if the specified Frame Relay class does not
exist, this command will first create a
Frame Relay class (but not enter the frame
relay class view) and then associate it with the current interface or PVCs.
The command undo fr-class will remove the association between the specified
Frame Relay class and the interface/PVCs without deleting the actual Frame Relay
. In this case, if using the display current-configuration command to
view the configurations of the router, you can still see the configuration of the
Frame Relay class. To delete the Frame Relay class, use the undo fr class
When a Frame Relay PVC implements QoS, it will search for the corresponding
Frame Relay class in the following sequence:
■ If there is a Frame Relay class associated with the PVC, use the QoS parameters
configured to the
Frame Relay class.
■ If there is no Frame Relay class associated with the PVC but a Frame Relay class
associated with the interface to which the PVC belongs, use the QoS
parameters configured to this
Frame Relay class.
3 Configure the Frame Relay class parameters
In frame relay class view, the user can configure the parameters for the QoS, such
as Frame Relay traffic shaping, Frame Relay traffic policing, Frame Relay
congestion management, and Frame Relay queueing management. The following
sections will cover the parameter settings in detail.
Configure Frame Relay
Traffic Shaping
Frame Relay traffic shaping configuration includes:
■ Enable the Frame Relay traffic shaping
■ Create a Frame Relay class
■ Associate the Frame Relay class with the Frame Relay interface or a PVC
Operation Command
Create a Frame Relay class fr class class-name
Delete a Frame Relay class undo fr class class-name
Operation Command
Associate a Frame Relay class with a Frame
Relay interface or PVC
fr-class class-name
Remove the association between a Frame Relay
and a Frame Relay interface or PVC
undo fr-class class-name