
Upgrade the 3Com Router Main Program Software 37
Figure 18 Transfer File dialog box
7 Click Browse to open the folder containing the Boot ROM software, select the file,
change the download protocol to XModem, click Send, and the system will start
downloading and the following dialog box displays:
Figure 19 The Downloading dialog box
8 Upon the completion of the loading operation, the router writes the Boot ROM
into the Flash or NVRAM, and the following prompts display:
Download completed.
Writing into flash memory...
Please wait,it needs a long time (about 1 min)
Writing into Flash Succeeds.
Please use 9600 bps.Press <Enter> key to reboot the system.
Perform the operation as prompted, click Disconnect and then Connect in the
terminal interface.
If the downloading operation fails, the system displays the following and the
router will be rebooted:
Download failed.
3Com Router start booting
In this case, you should find out the failure causes and upgrade Boot ROM once