
Configure IPX 377
Table 416 Configure IPX SAP updating period
By default, the updating period of IPX SAP is 1 tick (i.e. 1/18 seconds).
c Configure SAP aging period
Perform the following task in system view.
Table 417 Configure SAP aging period
By default, the service information which is not updated in three update
periods will be deleted.
If a service information table item is not updated after 3 updating periods, it
will be deleted from the server information table.
d Configure size of SAP updating message
Perform the following task in interface view.
Table 418 Configure size of SAP maximum updated message
By default, the Max. length of the service update packet is 480 bytes.
e Configure reply to SAP GNS request
You can set the processing mode of SAP GNS request by router:
whether to reply with the nearest service information or by polling all
service information known by the router
whether to reply to SAP GNS request or not
Usually, a router will reply to GNS request with the service information of the
nearest server. There may also be exceptions: if the nearest server is local server,
then the router will not reply to the GNS request from this network segment.
Please configure ipx sap gns-round-robin command in system view, and
ipx sap gns-disable-reply command in interface view.
Table 419 Configure reply to SAP GNS request
By default, a router replies to GNS request with the service information of the
nearest server.
f Configure length of service information reserve queue
Operation Command
Configure SAP updating period ipx sap timer update seconds
Restore default value of SAP updating period undo ipx sap timer update
Operation Command
Configure SAP aging period ipx sap multiplier multiplier
Restore default value of SAP aging period undo ipx sap multiplier
Operation Command
Configure size of SAP maximum updated message ipx sap mtu bytes
Restore default value of size of SAP maximum updated
undo ipx sap mtu
Operation Command
Configure Process GNS request in Round Robin
ipx sap gns-load-balance
Disable replying to GNS request ipx sap gns-disable-reply