
Displaying and Debugging PIM-DM 513
Starting the PIM-DM
You must start the PIM-DM protocol at each interface. By default, the system
disables the PIM-DM protocol.
Make the following configuration in the interface view.
Table 584 Start/Disable PIM-DM Protocol
Configuring the Time
Interval for Hello
After the interface starts PIM-DM protocol, it will periodically send to all the PIM
routers (group address is hello messages to find neighbors. PIM
query-interval timer determines the time interval. If the interface receives the hello
message, it means that there are adjacent PIM routers for this interface, and this
interface adds the neighbor to its interface neighbor list. If the interface does not
receive any hello message from the neighbors in the interface neighbor list within
a specific period, it is assumed that the neighbor has left the multicast network.
The time interval of sending hello message can be configured according to the
bandwidth and the type of the network to which the interface connects.
Make the following configuration in the interface view.
Table 585 Configure the Time Interval of Interface Sending Hello Messages
By default, the time interval of interface sending hello messages is 30 seconds.
Displaying and
Debugging PIM-DM
Table 586 Display and Debug PIM-DM
Operation Command
Start PIM-DM protocol pim dm
Disable PIM-DM protocol undo pim dm
Operation Command
Set the time interval of interface sending
hello messages
pim timer hello seconds
Restore the default value of the time
interval of interface sending hello
undo pim timer hello
Operation Command
Display multicast forwarding list
display multicast forwarding-table [
group-address | source-address ]
Display multicast core routing table display multicast routing-table [
group-address | source-address ]
Display IP multicast forwarding table
display multicast forwarding-table
Display PIM protocol interface information display pim interface [ type number ]
Display PIM protocol multicast routing
table information
display pim routing-table [ *g [
group-address ] | **rp [ rp-address ]
| { group-address | source-address }
Display PIM adjacent routers information display pim neighbor [ interface type
number ]
Turn on the switch of multicast
forwarding table debugging information
debugging multicast forwarding
Turn on the switch of PIM general
debugging information
debugging pim common { all | event |
packet | timer }