
TxClk stands for transmitting clock, RxClk for receiving clock, the clock before “=”
is DTE-side clock, and that behind “=” is DCE-side clock.
Please use the following commands in the view of the synchronous serial
Table 115 Select work clock
The clock of DCE-side synchronous serial interface is dceclk by default, and that of
DTE side is dteclk3 by default.
7 Set clock inversion
In some special cases, the clock will generate half-period delay on the line, which
may cause failed interconnection of equipment at two ends or large amount of
messages discarded. In this case, the transmit clock signal of DTE-side synchronous
serial interface can be inverted to eliminate the influence of delay.
Please use the following commands in the view of the synchronous serial
Table 116 Set clock inversion
The inversion is disabled by default.
This command is only effective to certain clock signals provided by some DCEs.
Usually, clock inversion should not be set.
8 Enable or disable level detection
By default, when the system decides whether the synchronous serial interface is in
UP status or DOWN status, it detects the DSR signal, DCD signal and whether the
interface connects a cable at the same time. Only when the three signals are
effective, will the system regard the interface is in UP status, otherwise, in DOWN
status. If level detection is disabled for the synchronous serial interface, the system
will not detect the DSR signal.
Please use the following commands in the view of the synchronous serial
Table 117 Enable or disable level detection for the synchronous serial interface
DTE1 TxClk = TxClk, RxClk = RxClk
DTE2 TxClk = TxClk, RxClk = TxClk
DTE3 TxClk = RxClk, RxClk = TxClk
DTE4 TxClk = RxClk, RxClk = RxClk
Operation Command
Select DCE-side synchronous serial interface
clock dceclk
Select DTE-side synchronous serial interface
clock { dteclk1 | dteclk2 |
dteclk3 | dteclk4 }
Operation Command
Enable the inversion of transmit clock signal of
DTE-side synchronous serial interface
invert transmit-clock
Disable the inversion of transmit clock signal of
DTE-side synchronous serial interface
undo invert transmit-clock
Operation Command