
Log Function 91
Set Severity of Log Information
Syslog is divided into 8 levels according to the Severity (or priority) of the
information. The rule to filter the log information according to the level is: the
more urgent the log information is, the less severe it will be. The log information
with severity higher than the set threshold is forbidden to be output. Only the log
information with severity no higher than this threshold can be output.
Perform the following task in system view.
Table 67 Enable to output log information with priority
Sylog-defined severity is as follows:
Table 68 Syslog-defined severity
Set Filter of Log Information
In different output modes, the Filter can be set according to the source of log
information. Only the log information complying with the Filter definition can be
Please enter the following commands in system view.
Table 69 Set filter of the log information
Operation Command
Enable to output log information
with priority to local control
info-center console {emergencies |alerts
| critical | errors | warnings |
notifications |informational |debugging}
Enable to output log information
with priority to the terminal
info-center monitor {emergencies |alerts
| critical | errors | warnings |
notifications |informational |debugging}
Enable to output log information
with priority to internal buffer
info-center logbuffer {emergencies
|alerts | critical | errors | warnings |
notifications |informational |debugging}
Enable to output log information
with priority to the log host
info-center loghost <0-9>
{local<0-7>|ip-address} {emergencies
|alerts | critical | errors | warnings
notifications |informational |debugging}
Disable to output log information
with priority to the log host.
undo info-center { console | monitor |
logbuffer | loghost}
Severity Descriptions
Emergencies (0) Most severe/emergent fault
Alerts (1) Fault needs to be corrected immediately
Critical (2) Major fault
Errors (3) Noticeable but not major fault
Warnings (4) Cautions, it is possible there may be a fault
Notifications (5) Information needs to pay attention to
Informational (6) Ordinary prompt information:
Debugging (7) Debugging information
Operation Command
Set Filter of the control console info-center console filter module
Delete Filter of the control console undo info-center console filter