E1-F Interface 141
Perform the following configuration in E1-F interface view.
Table 150 Set interface rate after binding operation
By default, binding operation will be done on all the time slots on E1-F interface.
Time slot 0 on E1-F interface is used for synchronization information transmission.
Therefore, in practice, only time slots 1 through 31 are bound when performing
binding operation on all the time slots on an E1-F interface.
Unlike CE1/PRI interface, only one channel set can be bound on an E1-F interface,
and this channel set is associated with the current synchronous serial interface. On
a CE1/PRI interface, however, multiple channel sets can be bound, and the system
will automatically generate a synchronous serial interface accordingly whenever a
channel set is formed.
4 Set Line Code Format
E1-F interfaces support line code formats AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) and
HDB3 (High Density Bipolar 3).
Perform the following configuration in E1-F interface view.
Table 151 Set line code format for E1-F interfaces
The line code format for an E1-F interface defaults to hdb3.
5 Set Line Clock
If E1-F interface is used as DCE, the slave clock should be selected. If it is used as
DTE, the master clock should be selected.
If the E1-F interfaces of two routers are directly connected, they must respectively
work in slave and master clock modes. If the E1-F interface of the router is
connected to an exchange, however, the exchange is working as DCE and
provides clock, so the interface of the router should work in master clock mode.
Perform the following configuration in E1-F interface view.
Table 152 Set line clock for an E1-F interface
By default, the clock of E1-F interface is slave clock.
6 Set Interface Frame Format
When an E1-F interface is working in framed mode, it supports both CRC4 (4-bit
Cyclic Redundant Check) and no-CRC4 frame formats.
Perform the following configuration in E1-F interface view.
Operation Command
Bind time slots on an E1-F interface fe1 timeslot-list { all | range }
Restore the default setting for time slot
binding on the interface
undo fe1 timeslots
Operation Command
Set line code format for an E1-F interface fe1 code { ami | hdb3 }
Restore the default line code format for an E1-F interface undo fe1 code
Operation Command
Set line clock for an E1-F interface fe1 clock { master | slave }
Restore the line clock of the E1-F interface to the
default setting
undo fe1 clock