
Display and Debug LAPB and X.25 223
By default, X.25 template is not applied on DLCIs.
Display and Debug
LAPB and X.25
In the all views, perform the following tasks to enable real-time monitoring of the
current status of LAPB and X.25.
Table 273 Display and debug LAPB and X.25
Typical LAPB
I. Networking Requirement
Two routers are directly connected via serial ports with LABP protocol to transmit
IP data packets directly.
II. Networking Diagram
Figure 67 Direct connection between two routers via serial ports
III. Configuration Procedure
As shown in the diagram above, perform the following configuration tasks:
1 Configure Router A:
a Select interface
[Router]interface serial 0
b Specify IP address for this interface
[Router-Serial0]ip address
c Configure the link layer protocol of the interface to LAPB and specify its
working mode as DTE
[Router-Serial0]link-protocol lapb dte
d Configure other Lapb parameters (if the link is of good quality, and a higher
rate is required, the flow control parameter modulo can be increased to 128, k
to 127, but they must be the same for both ends in the direct connection)
Operation Command
Display interface information display interface [ type number ]
Display X.25 alias table display x25 alias-policy
Display X.25 hunt group information display x25 hunt-group-info [
hunt-group-name ]
Display X.25 address mapping table display x25 map
Display X.25 switching route table display x25 switch- vc-table svc
Display X.25 switching virtual circuit table display x25 switch-vc-table pvc
Display X.25 virtual circuit display x25 vc lci-number
Enable X.25 information debugging debugging x25 all [interface
interface-type interface-number ]
Enable X.25 event debugging debugging x25 event [interface
interface-type interface-number ]
Enable X.25 packet debugging debugging x25 packet [interface
interface-type interface-number ]
Enable XOT debugging debugging x25 xot
V.35 cable
Serial 0
Serial 1
Router A
Router B