
Configuration of DLSw 393
Table 452 Configure REJ status time of LLC2
By default, REJ status time of LLC2 is 500 ms.
j Configure Queue Length of Sending Message of LLC2
Please process the following configurations in the Ethernet interface view.
Table 453 Configure queue length of sending message of LLC2
By default, the queue length of sending message of LLC2 is 50.
18 Configure Other Parameters of SDLC
a Configure Queue Length of Sending Message of SDLC
Please process the following configurations in the synchronous interface view.
Table 454 Configure queue length of sending message of SDLC
By default, the queue length of sending message of SDLC is 50.
b Configure SDLC Local Acknowledgement Window
SDLC Local Acknowledgement Window adopts the window mechanism when
sending packets, while not requiring the timely reply for each packet. SDLC
Local Acknowledgement Window can wait for the replies from the peer at the
same time after the whole window has been sent.
Please process the following configurations in the synchronous interface view.
Table 455 Configure SDLC local acknowledgement window
By default, the length of SDLC local acknowledgement window is 7.
c Configure Modulo Value of SDLC
SDLC uses modulo mode to number the information message like X25
protocol. The modulo value is 8 or 128. SDLC generally uses modulo 8.
Please process the following configurations in the synchronous interface view.
Table 456 Configure modulo value of SDLC
Operation Command
Configure REJ status time of LLC2 llc2 timer reject mseconds
Restore the default value of REJ status time of LLC2 undo llc2 timer reject
Operation Command
Configure queue length of sending message of LLC2 llc2 max-send-queue length
Restore the default value of queue length of sending
message of LLC2
undo llc2 max-send-queue
Operation Command
Configure queue length of sending message of SDLC sdlc max-send-queue length
Restore the default value of queue length of sending
message of SDLC
undo sdlc max-send-queue
Operation Command
Configure the length of SDLC local acknowledgement
sdlc window length
Restore the default length value of SDLC local
acknowledgement window
undo sdlc window
Operation Command
Configure Modulo Value of SDLC sdlc modulo n
Restore the default value of SDLC modulo value undo sdlc modulo