
Asynchronous Serial Interface 121
When the link establishment mode of async serial interface is flow or TTY, the two
ends of the link will interact with each other after the setup of a physical
connection. The calling end will send configuration command to the receiving end
and set the interactive parameters of link layer protocol on the receiving end
before the establishment of the link. In practical application (such as terminal
server), the router will send configuration command to the terminal and transmit
interactive operating parameters of the link layer that are set at local end to the
opposite end.
This command is used to set the interactive operating parameter of the link layer
protocol ---check mode.
Please perform the following configuration in asynchronous serial interface view.
Table 101 Set the check mode when the async serial interface works in flow mode
By default, none is adopted for non-parity check.
9 Set stop bit in flow mode
This command is used to set another interactive operating parameter of the link
layer protocol---the stop bit.
Please perform the following configuration in asynchronous serial interface view.
Table 102 Set the stop bit when the asynchronous serial interface works in flow mode
By default, there is only 1 stop bit.
10 Set data bit in flow mode
This command is used to set another interactive operating parameter of the link
layer protocol--- the data bit.
Please perform the following configuration in asynchronous serial interface view.
Table 103 Set the data bit when the asynchronous serial interface works in flow mode
5, 6, 7 and 8 stand for 5, 6, 7 and 8 data bits respectively. By default, there are 8
data bits.
11 Enable or disable level detection
If the level detection is disabled for the asynchronous serial interface, the system
will only detect whether the asynchronous serial interface connects cables
externally and automatically report its state (UP or DOWN) to the user. If the level
detection is enabled, the system will detect DSR signal in addition to the
above-mentioned detection. Only when this signal is effective will the system
regard the asynchronous serial interface as UP. Otherwise, it is regarded as DOWN.
Operation Command
Set the check mode when the async serial
interface works in flow mode
parity { even | mark | none |
odd | space }
Operation Command
Set the stop bit when the asynchronous serial interface
works in flow mode
stopbits { 1 | 1.5 | 2 }
Operation Command
Set the data bit when the asynchronous serial interface
works in flow mode
databits { 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 }