
By default, the system does not enable the callback function. Once it is enabled,
the server will originate return calls according to the user name configured in the
dialer route command.
If the callback client adopts the dynamically assigned network address, the server
will be unable to use the dialer route command to configure a callback dial
number to associate with the network address. In this case, the callback client can
only use the
local-user callback-number command to configure a callback dial
number to associate with the callback user name, and hence determine the
callback reference.
Configuring PPP callback in the resource-shared DCC implementation
1 Configure the PPP callback client in the resource-shared DCC implementation
As a callback client, a router can originate calls to the remote end (which can be a
router or Windows NT server having the PPP callback server function), and receive
the return calls from the remote end.
When resource-shared DCC are used to implement PPP callback, the PPP
authentication configuration at client end is the same as that of circular DCC,
except that the client in resource-shared DCC implementation must use the
dialer number command to configure a dial number. See “Configure PPP
callback client in the circular DCC implementation” in Dial-up.
Perform the following configuration in dialer interface view.
Table 759 Implement PPP Callback (Client Configuration) in Resource-Shared DCC
Configure the callback user and callback
local-user username callback-number
Configure the local end to be the PPP
callback server
ppp callback server
Disable the local end to be the PPP
callback server
undo ppp callback server
Configure the PPP callback reference dialer callback-center [ user ] [
dial-number ]
Disable the callback server function of the
undo dialer callback-center
Configure the destination address(es) and
dial number(s) for calling one (or more)
remote ends
dialer route protocol
next-hop-address user username
Operation Command
Operation Command
Configure the local end to be the PPP
callback client
ppp callback client
Disable the local end to be the PPP
callback client
undo ppp callback client
Configure the dialer number for calling a
remote end
dialer number dial-number
Configure the dial number for a Windows
NT server to originate return calls to the
ppp callback ntstring dial-number
Delete the dial number that a Windows
NT server needs for placing return calls to
the router
undo ppp callback ntstring