
When the length of a route reserve queue is 1, the system only saves one route
for a destination. If this unique route is faulty, it will be deleted by the system
and there will be no route to the destination while searching for the substitute
routes, resulting in huge loss of packets. When the length of a route reserve
queue exceeds 1, if one route is deleted, it will be replaced with another one as
soon as possible, so as to prevent huge loss of packets. However, increasing
the length of the route reserve queue in turn increases the system memory
that will be occupied by IPX module.
Perform the following task in system view.
Table 414 Configure length of route reserve queue
By default, the length of a route reserve queue is 4.
4 Configure Relative Parameters of IPX SAP
a Configure IPX static service information table item
Generally, only the service notified by NetWare server and saved by the router
can be used. In special cases, special services can be specified to use, so that
the client can always use this special service. Similar to IPX routes, IPX service
information priority is adopted, and smaller value means higher priority of
service information. If the route related to the static service information is
invalid or deleted, the static service information will be prevented from
broadcasting, until the router finds a new valid route related to the service
Perform the following task in system view.
Table 415 Configure static service information table item
By default, the priority of static service information is 10, and that of dynamic
service information is 60.
b Configure updating period of IPX SAP
In a huge network, one IPX SAP broadcast occupies much of the bandwidth.
For interfaces running protocols such as PPP, X.25 and frame relay, the
bandwidth is limited, therefore changing IPX SAP updating period is an
effective method to reduce bandwidth occupation. You should make sure that
all servers and routers on the network have the same SAP updating period,
otherwise, the router might think that a server fails to work, while the server is
still working.
Perform the following task in system view.
Operation Command
Configure length of route reserving queue ipx rip max-reserve-paths
Restore default value of length of route reserving
undo ipx rip
Operation Command
Add one static service information ipx service service-type name
network.node socket hop hopcount [
preference preference ]
Delete one static service information undo ipx service { service-type [
name [ network.node ] ] [ preference
preference] } | all