
By default, the cost value is 1, and the tag value is 1. The imported route is
external route Type 2, the interval of importing external route is 1 second and at
most 150 external routes can be imported in each interval.
Setting Route Preference Multiple dynamic routing protocols may be executed on the router at the same
time, the problem of information sharing and selection between the routing
protocols can occur. The system sets a priority for every routing protocol. When
several protocols find the same route, the protocol with higher priority will
Perform the following configurations in OSPF view.
Table 505 Set Route Preference
By default, OSPF route preference is 10. The preference of the imported external
routing protocol is 150.
Configuring a Route
Filter for OSPF
Perform the following configurations in OSPF view.
Configure filtering route information received by OSPF.
Table 506 Filter the Routing Information Received by OSPF
By default, OSPF does not filter any route information received.
Displaying and
Debugging OSPF
Table 507 Display and Debug OSPF
Operation Command
Specify OSPF route preference preference [ ase ] value
Return the default value of OSPF route
undo preference [ ase ]
Operation Command
Filter the routing information received filter-policy acl-number import
Change or cancel filtering routing
information received
undo filter-policy acl-number import
Operation Command
Display OSPF main information display ospf
Display OSPF external routing information display ospf ase [ retranse ]
Display OSPF statistic information display ospf cumulative
Display OSPF LSDB information display ospf database [ retranse ]
Display OSPF error information display ospf error
Display OSPF interface information display ospf interface
interface-type interface-number
Display OSPF LSDB detailed information display ospf lsa [ router_lsa |
net_lsa | sumnet_lsa | asbr_lsa |
external_lsa | nssa_external_lsa |
adv_rtr | self_originate | ls_id ] [
area area-id ]
Display OSPF neighboring point
display ospf peer
Display OSPF nexthop information display ospf nexthop