Configure Frame Relay 253
Perform “Enabling/Disabling Frame Relay PVC switching” in system view, and
configure all the other commands in synchronous serial interface view.
Table 286 Configure the Frame Relay PVC switching
By default, Frame Relay PVC switching is disabled.
The configured PVC can take effect only when the type of Frame Relay
interface is NNI or DCE.
b Configure Frame Relay switched route
Perform the following configurations in synchronous serial interface view.
Table 287 Configure the Frame Relay local virtual circuit number
Perform the following configurations in interface view.
Table 288 Configure the route for Frame Relay PVC switching
By default, the Frame Relay switched route is not configured.
PVC switching can take effect only when the fr dlci-switch command is
configured on the two interfaces on the Frame Relay switched routers.
c Configure Frame Relay switched PVC
Perform the following configurations in interface view.
Table 289 Configure Frame Relay local switched PVC number
Perform the following configurations in system view.
Table 290 Configure the Frame Relay switched PVC
Operation Command
Enable the Frame Relay to carry out PVC
fr switching
Disable the Frame Relay to carry out PVC
undo fr switching
Set the Frame Relay interface type fr interface-type { dte | dce |
nni }
Operation Command
Assign a PVC number for Frame Relay interface fr dlci dlci-number
Delete the PVC number of Frame Relay interface undo fr dlci dlci-number
Operation Command
Configure the route for Frame Relay PVC
fr dlci-switch in-dlci
interface type number dlci
Delete the route for Frame Relay PVC switching undo fr dlci-switch in-dlci
Operation Command
Assign a switched PVC number for the main
interface or the sub-interface
fr dlci dlci-number
Delete the switched PVC number for the main
interface or the sub-interface
undo fr dlci dlci-number
Operation Command
Configure the Frame Relay switched PVC fr switch name interface type
number dlci dlci interface type
number dlci dlci
Delete the Frame Relay switched PVC undo fr switch name