Configuring DCC 729
idle time, no the packet which complies with the “permit” statements are
transmitted over the line.
Perform the following configuration in dial interface (physical or dialer interface)
Table 768 Configure the Link Idle Time
By default, the link idle time is 120 seconds.
Configuring the link disconnection time before initiating the next call
After a line for DCC calls enters the down status due to faults or disconnection, a
specified period of time must be elapsed (the interval before it can originate the
next call) before a new dialup connection can be established again. Thereby, the
possibility of overloading the remote PBX can be prevented.
Perform the following configuration in dial interface (physical or dialer interface)
Table 769 Configure the Link Disconnection Time Before Initiating the Next Call
By default, the link disconnection time is 20 seconds.
Configuring the link idle time when interface competion
If all the channels are unavailable when DCC originates a new call, a condition of
contention occurs. Normally, after a line is set up, idle-timeout timer will take
effect. However, if a call to a different destination address is originated at this
time, competion will occur. In this case, DCC replaces the idle timeout timer with
the compete-idle timer. In other words, the line will be automatically disconnected
after the line-idle time exceeds the time specified by the compete-idle timer.
Perform the following configuration in dial interface (physical or dialer interface)
Table 770 Configure the Link Idle Time When Interface Competion
By default, the link idle time is 20 seconds when the interface competion occurs.
Operation Command
Configure the link idle time dialer timer idle seconds
Restore the link idle time to the default
undo dialer timer idle
Operation Command
Configure the link disconnection time
before initiating the next call
dialer timer enable seconds
Restore the link disconnection time before
initiating the next call to the default value
undo dialer timer enable
Operation Command
Configure the link idle time when
interface competion
dialer timer compete seconds
Restore the link idle time when interface
competion to the default value
undo dialer timer compete