By default, CT3 mode is used.
When CT3 interface works in T3 mode, the system will automatically create a
serial interface whose number is serial number/0:0 and whose rate is
44.736Mbps. The interface has the same logic feature as that of a synchronous
serial interface; therefore, it can be regarded as a synchronous serial interface for
further configuration.
Table 183 Set the operating mode of T1 channel
The operation mode of T1 channels defaults to CT1 mode.
When T1 channel works in T1 mode (unframed mode), the system will
automatically create a serial interface whose number is serial number /
line-number:0 and whose rate is 1544kbps. The interface has the same logic
feature as that of a synchronous serial interface; therefore, it can be regarded as a
synchronous serial interface for further configuration.
When T1 channel works in CT1 mode (framed mode), timeslot binding can be
performed on it. The system will automatically create a serial interface whose
number is serial number / line-number: set-number and whose rate is N x 64 kbps
or N x 56 kbps. The interface has the same logic feature as that of a synchronous
serial interface; therefore, it can be regarded as a synchronous serial interface for
further configuration.
7 Set CRC of the Serial Interface
For the serial interface formed by T3, the one formed by T1 channel or the one
bundled by T1 channel timeslots, its CRC can be configured in the corresponding
serial interface view.
Table 184 Set CRC of the serial interface
By default, the serial interface uses 16-bit CRC.
Display and Debug CT3
The display and debug operations of CT3 interface include disabling interface and
displaying interface information. But you should be careful when using the
shutdown command, because disabling an interface will cause the interface to
stop working.
Perform the following configuration in CT3 interface view.
Operation Command
Configure T1 channels of CT3 interface to work
in T1 mode (unframed mode)
t1 line-number unframed
Configure T1 channels of CT3 interface to work
in CT1 mode (framed mode)
undo t1 line-number unframed
Implement time slot binding on the CT1 interface t1 line-number channel-set
set-number timeslot-list range
[ speed { 56 | 64 } ]
Disable time slot binding on the CT1 interface undo t1 line-number channel-set
Operation Command
Set CRC of the Serial Interface crc { 16 | 32 | none }
Restore CRC of the Serial Interface to default value undo crc