Table 21 Load configuration files
Follow these steps in the terminal emulation program:
1 Enter the command and make the confirmation.
[Router] download config
Do you want really download the config.ini?(Y/N)y
2 Set the binary transmission protocol to XModem/CRC.
Change Protocol to Xmodem,then Send the Selected File...
3 Transmit the configuration files to the router in the binary format.
4 Save the loaded files into the Flash, if the loading operation is successful.
Download completed.
Writing to flash memory...
5 Reboot the router as prompted to validate the configuration files.
Write completed, please reboot the router.
When performing offline editing and loading of configuration files, you are
recommended to do it under the guidance of technical support personnel. If a
wrong configuration file is loaded, restore the default configuration by erasing the
configuration file in the Flash or NVRAM (depending on the equipment).
TFTP Approach
With this approach, you can use the get command to download the configuration
files from the TFTP server after booting the router.
Like the preparation done before loading the 3Com Router main program with
TFTP, the TFTP server application should be enabled on the PC, and the transferring
path for downloading the configuration files, IP address of the server host, and the
number of the port to be used should be set. After all these preparation tasks have
been completed, you can perform the following configuration on the router. For
the procedure, refer to Upgrading with TFTP.
Perform the following command in system view.
Table 22 Download configuration files from a TFTP server
FTP Approach
The procedure of loading configuration files with FTP is the same as loading the
main 3Com Router program software with FTP, except for the files to be loaded.
When loading configuration files with FTP, however, the
step 6 described in “FTP
Approach”on page 41 should be modified as follows:
Operation Command
Loads configuration files download config
Operation Command
Loads configuration files from a TFTP server get tftp-server-ip-addr file-name