Example: This example creates destination route 3 and names it “Voice
DestinationRoute Create 3 Voice Application
DestinationRouteEntry Create
DestinationRouteEntry Create nRouteId nEntryId szExtension
Description creates a destination route entry that identifies a single
destination device or device list.
If the specified destination route entry already exists, this command
overwrites it with the new information. During routing, the system
checks the list of destinations in ascending
nEntryId order (nEntryId 1 first).
nRouteId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768.
nEntryId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768. The system checks
the list of destinations in ascending nEntryId order, and uses the first
available one.
szExtension — The extension of the destination device or device list. Note
that the system does not dial this extension (that is, it neither checks the
extension against a dial plan nor subjects it to Class of Service restrictions,
digit manipulation, or routing) but instead uses the extension only to look
up the device in the internal device directory.
Example: This example command creates, in route table 3, entry 1
and defines extension list *0003 as the destination for this route entry.
Extension list *0003 contains the voice mail extensions/ports.
DestinationRouteEntry Create 3 1 *0003
DestinationRouteOperation Create
DestinationRouteOperation Create nRouteId nEntryId nOperId
szOperation szValue
Description Creates a digit manipulation operation for a destination
route entry. If the specified digit manipulation operation already exists,
this command overwrites it with the new information. During routing the