
Name A unique name associated with this telephone. This
name appears in lists to help you identify the telephone.
Typically, Name identifies the telephone’s user.
Extension The extension assigned to this telephone.
Dialog Refresh Specifies how often to renew the information that
appears in the Status dialog box.
Device Refresh Forces the telephone to send a status message to the Call
Processor. During normal operation a telephone sends a
status message to the Call Processor every 30 seconds.
Reset Device Reboots the telephone, which means it renews
communications with the Call Processor and receives a
new download of its operating software. You can also
reboot a telephone by cycling power to the telephone.
If the telephone has an active call, resetting the
telephone disconnects the call.
Status Identifies the state of the telephone when it was last
involved in a call. Telephones normally send a status
message to the Call Processor every 30 seconds.
Online — The telephone was available when last
accessed by the Call Processor.
Offline — The telephone was not available the last time
that the Call Processor attempted to set up a call
involving this telephone.
Unknown — The telephone has not communicated with
the Call Processor during the previous 5 minutes.
Unknown-LB — This telephone is configured as a Low
Bandwidth device (that is, it does not send status
messages to the Call Processor), and it has not
communicated with the Call Processor for at least 5
Software Version Identifies the telephone’s software version. Note that the
telephone software version may be different than the
system software version.
Time Last Seen A date/timestamp that identifies the last time the
telephone communicated with the Call Processor. During
normal operation, the Call Processor gathers status
information from each device every 30 seconds. Format:
Table 24 Device Status Fields (continued)
Field Description