0x63 99 Bad info
The equipment sending this cause has received a
message that includes information elements not
recognized because the information element identifier
is not defined, or it is defined but not implemented by
the equipment sending the cause. However, the
information element is not required to be present in
the message to enable the equipment sending the
cause to process the message.
0x64 100 Invalid element
The equipment sending this cause has received an
information element that it has implemented.
However, the sending equipment was not able to
implement the code because one or more of the fields
were incorrectly coded.
0x65 101 Wrong
message for
The received message is incompatible with the call
0x66 102 Timer expiry A timer has expired and an associated Q.931 error
handling procedure has been initiated.
0x67 103 Mandatory IE
length error
0x6F 111 Protocol error reports an error event only when no cause in the
protocol error class applies.
Interworking 0x7F 127 Interworking
There has been interworking with a network that does
not provide cause codes for its actions. Therefore, the
precise cause for a message being sent is not known.
Table 83 Completion Cause Codes (continued)
Class Grouping Hex Code
Description Details