Supervisory Disconnect
Pulse Minimum (msec)
Set this value to define the minimum on-hook time that
this port accepts as a valid supervisory disconnect pulse
(battery denial) from the telephone company’s central
office (CO).
Default: Depends on the country in which the NBX
system is operating. When you load a regional pack
(Operations > Regional Software) and select the tones
and cadences appropriate for your location
(System Configuration > System Settings >
Regional Settings > Advanced), the default value is set.
Minimum: 200 (this setting disables the function)
Maximum: 2000 msec
Caller-ID Receiver The format used to interpret caller ID information sent
by the telephone company. The choice depends on the
country in which the NBX system is operating. Consult
with your telephone service provider to determine the
correct format.
Default: Depends on the country in which the NBX
system is operating.
When you load a regional pack (Operations >
Regional Software) and select the tones and cadences
appropriate for your location (System Configuration >
System Settings > Regional Settings > Advanced), the
default value is set.
■ Bellcore GR-30-CORE
■ British Telecom SIN 242
■ NTT Telephone Interface Services
Dial Tone Detection for CO
Line Access
For all ports on the Analog Line Card, this check box
enables or disables the detection of dial tone
transmitted by the telephone company's central office
(CO) equipment.
Checked: Dial tone detection enabled
Unchecked: Dial tone detection disabled
Table 35 Analog Line Card Ports - Advanced Settings Parameters (continued)
Field Purpose