configuration file. For an example of this technique, see “Creating Dial
Plan Configuration Files” on page 44.
PreTranslatorOperation Create
PreTranslatorOperation Create nPreTranslatorId nEntryId
nOperId szOperation szValue
Description Creates a digit manipulation operation for a pretranslator
entry. If the specified digit manipulation operation already exists, this
command overwrites it with the new information. During pretranslation,
the system processes the list of operations in ascending
nOperId order
nOperId 1 first).
nPreTranslatorId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768.
nEntryId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768 specifying the
pretranslator entry to which this operation applies.
nOperId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768. The
system processes the list of operations in ascending nOperId order
nOperId 1 first).
szOperation — The name of the digit manipulation operation to perform.
Values are: stripLead, stripTrail, replace, prepend, append.
szValue — The value to use in the operation, either the string of digits to
prepend, append, replace with, or the number of digits to strip.
Table Create
Table Create nDialPlanTableId szDescription
Description Creates a dial plan table to control the routing of calls
placed by devices. Dial plan tables apply to internal devices such as
telephones, incoming calls from outside the NBX system, and Least Cost
Routes. If the dial plan table already exists, this command removes all
entries from the table, and fills the table with the new information.