Alarm Descriptions Red Alarm
■ Carrier Fail Alarm (Red CFA) — A state that exists at a downstream
terminal device, based upon the terminal device detecting an
incoming LOS or LOF.
Blue Alarms
■ AIS, Keep-alive/Blue — A signal that is transmitted instead of the
normal signal to maintain transmission continuity and to indicate to
the receiving equipment that there is a transmission interruption either
at the equipment that is generating the AIS signal or upstream of that
equipment. The all ones signal is generated:
■ To maintain transmission continuity
■ To notify downstream equipment of a transmission fault
■ To indicate to downstream equipment that a DS1 framed signal is
not being generated
The transmission fault may be located at the equipment that is
generating the alarm signal, or it may be located upstream of that
■ AIS CFA (also known as Blue CFA) — A state that exists at the
downstream equipment and indicates that it has detected an AIS
signal from the upstream equipment.
Yellow Alarms
■ RAI (also known as Yellow Alarm Signal) — A signal transmitted in
the outgoing direction when a terminal determines that it has lost the
incoming signal. The terminal equipment generates the Yellow Alarm
Signal for a minimum of 1 second using one of these methods:
■ If you are using Super Frame (SF), the terminal equipment
generates the Yellow Alarm Signal by setting the second bit in all
channels of the Super Frame to 0 (zero).
■ If you are using Extended Super Frame (ESF), the terminal
equipment generates the Yellow Alarm Signal by sending an
alternating pattern of 8 ones followed by 8 zeros on the Facilities
Data Link (FDL).
■ Yellow CFA — A state that is activated at the terminal equipment
when the terminal equipment detects a Yellow Alarm Signal. The
Yellow Alarm Signal comes from the equipment at the other end