
To create and run a test using the currently loaded dial plan:
1 In the NBX NetSet – Main Menu window, click Dial Plan. The Dial Plan
window appears, displaying the Operations tab.
2 Click
Test. The Test Dial Plan dialog box appears.
3 To set up the simulated call, from the Device to dial from list box, select
the number from which you want to dial.
4 In Number to dial, enter the number that you want the system to dial.
5 Select the desired date and time in the Day/Time pull-down lists.
For some tests, the day and time settings are irrelevant. You can leave the
settings at their default values (Sunday, 00, and 00).
6 Click Test. The test runs and the results appear in the dialog box.
Generating a
Dial Plan Report
This section describes how to create a report containing all dial plan
settings, tables, routes, and pretranslators. The report also performs
a consistency check to ensure that all dial plan table entries point to valid
routes which, in turn, point to valid extensions. The report also identifies
how many devices are using each dial plan table and each pretranslator.
Consider these common dial plan problems:
Dial plan table entries that point to nonexistent routes
Timed route entries that point to nonexistent destination routes
Destination route entries that point to nonexistent extensions or
empty extension lists
Timed route entries that overlap
Devices that do not specify a normal table
Devices that point to nonexistent Normal tables, Least Cost Routing
tables, or pretranslators
Pretranslator entries that have no operations
If a telephone has no table assigned, that telephone does not have
permission to dial. This error is flagged in Reports. If a device has only a
Normal table, no error is reported.
If a device has only a Least Cost table, an error is reported. The telephone
is still usable and has permissions defined in whatever table has been
chosen as Least Cost. If a device has both a Normal and Least Cost table,
no error is reported (the usual condition).