
Customer Requirement 6. Assume that you want to use two different
long distance carriers at different times of the day, to obtain a cost saving.
To select one long distance carrier from 7:30 a.m.) to 3:00 p.m., prepend
1010321 to each call. To select another carrier and obtain a lower rate
from 3:00 p.m. until opening business hours the next day, prepend
1010220. This assumes the business is not open on weekends.
Add these lines to the dial plan configuration file:
TableEntry Create 1 99 91 12 12 LongDistance 0 27
Explanation: In Table 1 (Internal table) entry 99, creates an entry which
looks for the digits 91 at the beginning of any 12-digit sequence (since
both Min and Max are set to 12). If the system detects such a sequence, it
assigns LongDistance as the class of service.
Because system software does not use the priority value, the system
leaves 0 (zero) as the value, and assigns the call to route 27.
If Table 1 already contains an entry with 91 in the digits column, delete
it and substitute the above TableEntry Create line.
TimedRoute Create 27 28 3PM Switchover
Explanation: Create TimedRoute 27, with a default DestinationRoute
of 28. Assign the title “3PM Switchover” to TimedRoute 27.
TimedRouteEntry Create 27 1 7:30 15:00 .MTWTF. 29
Explanation: For TimedRoute 27, create entry 1, which applies from
7:30 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The route to use is 29.
DestinationRouteCreate 29 Open Hours Carrier
Explanation: Create DestinationRoute 29, and call it “Open Hours
DestinationRouteEntry Create 29 1 *0002
Explanation: For DestinationRoute 29, create entry 1, which uses
extension list *0002, the extension list that contains all extensions
associated with Digital Line Cards.
DestinationRouteOperation Create 29 1 1 stripLead 2
Explanation: For DestinationRoute 29, entry 1, create operation 1,
which strips 2 digits (9 and 1) from the beginning of the dialed string.