Adding New
Dial Plan Tables
If you are sharing the system with another company or group and want
to control calls differently at the two sites, you can add a fourth table.
Example: You assign one extension range to Company A and a different
range to Company B. The fourth table controls the extension range for
Company B, so that outbound calls from Company B’s extensions use
only their external telephone lines.
You might also need a fourth table if a single company had two sites but
only one NBX system. In order to properly route emergency (911) calls,
you use the fourth table to define which extensions use each dedicated
911 telephone line.
Example: Users at site A dial 911 and the system uses the Internal table
(table ID 1) to make the emergency call on one external telephone line.
Users at site B dial 911 and the system uses table ID 4 to make the
emergency call on a different external telephone line. The emergency
staff know, based on the dialing number, which site has the emergency.
Enhanced 911, E911, is available in some areas. This service enables
emergency staff to identify the specific location of the emergency. For
example, in a campus of buildings, the emergency staff can identify the
specific building, floor, and location from which the emergency call
originated. The NBX system supports E911 over ISDN. The administrator
must define an outbound call pretranslator to provide the specific
extension number from which the 911 call originated.
Dial Plan
The system uses pretranslators to modify digit sequences of incoming or
outgoing calls. On incoming calls, pretranslators can map the entire
dialed number (including area code) to an internal extension number.
For example, an external party dials 978-555-0101 to reach the person
on extension 101. Pretranslators ensure that the proper digits are
mapped to the correct extension number.
For more information, see:
■ Pretranslators for Incoming Calls on page 41
■ Pretranslators for Certain Outgoing Calls on page 42
A typical pretranslator function involves mapping incoming DDI/DID
telephone calls to internal extension numbers.