Dial Plan Configuration File Commands 107
ExternalSettings szExternalKeysetPrefix
szFirstAutoDiscoverExtension szDefaultAutoExtension
Description Specifies settings for several aspects of external devices.
szExternalKeysetPrefix — The digits that are prepended to external calls
made in Keyset mode. This is used to determine the Class of Service (CoS)
for external calls made in Keyset mode. Typical values for this digit are 8,
9, or 0 (zero). This prefix is set to the appropriate number in each
country’s dial plan.
Example: In the default internal dial plan table, the digit 9 instructs the
system to connect the call to an external line. When a telephone has a
button mapped to an external device, and the user places a call using
that external device, the system prepends the
szExternalKeysetPrefix digit
to the digits dialed by a user; then the system applies the dial plan tables
to determine call Class of Service.
szFirstAutoDiscoverExtension — The first extension used when
autodiscovering external devices. This must be in the specified range of
lowest/highest external extensions.
The system assigns extensions starting with this number and
incrementing upward. For information on the Auto Discovery topic, see
“Using Auto Discovery for Initial System Configuration” in the
NBX Installation Guide.
The default value for a 3-digit system is 750, and for a 4-digit system is
7250. Typically, systems do not use all of the extensions from 600
through 799 (or 6000 through 7999). If, however, the system uses all of
these extensions and needs another one, it starts looking from the
beginning of the range and selects the first unused one.
szDefaultAutoExtension — The default extension the system uses for
forwarding incoming calls. This is always 500.
The system must direct each incoming call (on an external line) to an
extension. After you import the dial plan configuration file, and complete