Dial Plan Configuration File Commands 113
nDefaultDestinationRouteId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768
identifying the destination route the system must use if none of the
entries in this timed route match the current time of day.
szDescription — A description or name of the timed route.
Example: This example command creates timed route 7 which uses
destination route 1, defined in the “Routes” section of the system
configuration file. The description of route 7 is “Business Hours Long
TimedRoute Create 7 1 Business Hours Long Distance
TimedRouteEntry Create
TimedRouteEntry Create nRouteId nEntryId szStartTime
szEndTime szDaysOfWeek nDestinationRouteId
Description Creates a timed route entry specifying either a time of day
or system mode, day of the week criteria, and the destination route to
use if that criteria are met. If the specified timed route entry already
exists, this command overwrites it with the new information. During
routing, the system checks the list of timed route entries in ascending
nEntryId order (
nEntryId 1 first). The system performs any digit
manipulation operations that apply to the specified destination.
nRouteId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768.
nEntryId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768. The system checks
the list of timed routes in ascending order based on nEntryId.
szStartTime — Start time in 24-hour format, for example, 13:30 for
1:30 p.m. You can use either 24:00 or 00:00 to specify midnight. Instead
of specifying times, you can enter a system mode name (open, closed,
lunch, or other). For each system mode, the system knows the start and
stop times. If you use one of the system modes, both szStartTime and
szEndTime parameter must be the same.
You define start and end times for system modes through the NBX NetSet
utility. Click System Configuration, then the Business Identity tab, and the
Business Hours button. Enter the times you want and click OK.