Viewing The Status
of an Analog
Terminal Adapter
You can view the status of either an Analog Terminal Adapter or one of
the ports on an Analog Terminal Card at any time.
To view the status of an Analog Terminal Adapter or a port on an Analog
Terminal Card:
1 Select NBX NetSet >
Device Configuration > ATA tab.
Use the MAC addresses to determine whether an item in the list is an ATA
or one of the ports on an ATC. Ports on a 3C10114 Analog Terminal Card
have sequential MAC addresses. Ports on a 3C10114C Analog Terminal
Card all have the same MAC address followed by a Virtual Device Number
(VDN), enclosed in square brackets. An Analog Terminal Adapter has a
unique MAC address with no port number.
2 Select an ATA or port from the list.
3 Click Status. The Device Status dialog box appears.
4 View the device status and make any necessary changes. Table 40
describes each Device Status field.
Table 40 Device Status Fields
Field Purpose
MAC Address The hardware address of this Analog Terminal Adapter or
of the port on an Analog Terminal Card.
NOTE: The ports on a 3C10114 Analog Terminal Card
have sequential MAC addresses. The ports on a
3C10114C Analog Terminal Card have the same MAC
address, and a Virtual Device Number, in square brackets
after it to provide a unique number to each port.
Name A name to help identify this ATA or ATC port.
Extension The extension number assigned to the device connected
to this ATA or ATC port.
Status The state of the ATA or ATC port when it was last
involved in a call. Devices send status messages to the
Call Processor every 30 seconds.
Software Version The software version downloaded to this ATA or ATC
and used by the Digital Signal Processors (DSPs).
Dialog Refresh How often to renew Status information. You can select
either Manual, for manual refresh, or an interval of from
5–60 seconds, at 5–second intervals.
Device Refresh Forces the ATA or ATC port to send a status message to
the Call Processor immediately.