multiplexer A device that can send several signals over a single line. A similar device
at the other end of the link then separates the signals.
multi-tasking The concurrent execution of two or more tasks or the concurrent use of a
single program that can carry out many functions.
NCP Network Call Processor. The device that manages call traffic, voice mail,
the Auto Attendant, and related applications in an NBX system.
NetBEUI NetBios Extended User Interface. A network device driver or transport
protocol that is the transport driver supplied with LAN Manager.
NetBios Network Basic Input/Output System. Software developed by IBM that
provides the interface between the PC operating system, the I/O bus, and
the network. Since its design, NetBIOS has become a de facto standard.
NetWare LAN Network Operating System and related products developed by
Novell. NetWare is based on the SPX/IPX networking protocols.
network collisions Result of two stations simultaneously attempting to use a shared
transmission medium. See collision
network congestion Result of increased network utilization. Creates traffic bottlenecks on
a LAN segment. See congestion
network layer Layer 3 in the OSI model
responsible for the routing and relaying through
one or more networks in multiple link or wide area environments.
The process and technique of remotely or locally monitoring and
configuring networks.
network ping A packet transfer that checks logical continuity between a PC and a
specified IP address.
NIC Network Interface Card. Controller circuitry that connects a node to a
network, usually in the form of a card in a PC expansion slot. In
conjunction with the NOS (Network Operating System) and PC operating
system, it helps transmit and receive messages on the network.
node Device on a network that demands or supplies services. Also, a location
where transmission paths are connected.