Configuring the NBX 1105 Attendant Console 185
Pickup Group Maps the Pickup Group function to this button.
This setting allows you to pick up a call on any extension
in the selected Pickup Group. Your telephone and the
ringing telephone must be part of the same Pickup
Group unless the “Allow Non-Member Pickup” check
box is enabled for the group.
To use the Pickup Group button, the user presses the
mapped button and then dials the Pickup Group
extension. For one-touch access to a specific Pickup
Group extension, see the description for PG 482–531
(SuperStack 3) and PG 500–531 (NBX 100) later in this
Number — Not used.
Prty (Priority) — Not used.
DP 540–589
(SuperStack 3 NBX)
DP 540–549
(NBX 100)
Maps one of the Directed Call Pickup extensions to this
Directed Call Pickup allows a user to pick up a call that is
ringing on someone’s telephone. The user’s telephone
and the ringing telephone must be part of the same
pickup group unless the “Allow Non-Member Pickup”
check box is enabled for the ringing telephone’s group.
After you map the Directed Pickup extension to a button
on one or more user telephones, each user with that
button mapping can log into the NBX NetSet utility and
select the telephone extension that is picked up when the
button is pressed (Personal Settings > Speed Dials >
Directed Pickup). Each user can select a telephone
extension that is different than the telephone extensions
chosen by other users.
Example: You map DP 545 to button 10 for a telephone
group that includes user extension 3504. In the Extension
text box, the user 3504 enters 3500 as the extension to
be picked up. When a call rings on 3500, user 3504 picks
up the handset, presses button 10, and is connected to
the caller.
Number -- Not used.
Prty (Priority) -- Not used.
Table 31 Attendant Console Button Mappings (continued)
Button Type Description