Connecting and Managing Analog Devices 203
4 Click Apply to add the new ATA to the system.
5 Repeat as necessary to add more ATAs.
6 When you are finished adding ATAs, click OK.
Modifying an Analog
Terminal Port
You can modify the configuration of an Analog Terminal Card port or a
Single-Port ATA at any time.
To modify an analog device configuration:
1 Select NBX NetSet >
Device Configuration > ATA.
2 Select the port that you want to modify and click Modify.
3 Modify the desired fields. Table 39
lists the field definitions.
Return busy tone when
device is in use
Returns a busy tone to the caller if the telephone
attached to this ATC port or ATA is in use.
■ If you enable this check box and the user enables the
Do Not Disturb feature on the analog telephone,
callers hear a busy tone whether or not the telephone
is in use.
■ If you enable this check box and configure an Analog
Line Card port such that the ATA is the auto
extension, when an external call arrives on the Analog
Line Card port and rings directly on the ATA, the
caller hears Ring No Answer instead of a busy tone.
This is the way that the NBX system works; it cannot
seize the Analog Line Card port until the ringing
telephone is answered.
Table 38 Add ATA Fields (continued)
Field Purpose
Table 39 Modify ATA Fields
Field Purpose
Current Extension The extension number assigned to the device connected
to this ATA. You cannot modify this field.
MAC Address The hardware address of this ATA. You cannot modify it.