Dial Plan Tables 35
Figure 2 Dial Plan Command Format
Table 6 describes each field of a dial plan command.
Table Create 1 Internal
/ Id Entry Digits Min Max Class Prio Route
TableEntry Create 1 1 0 1 1 Internal 0 4
TableEntry Create 1 2 1 3 3 Internal 0 0
TableEntry Create 1 3 2 3 3 Internal 0 0
Table Create 2 Incoming
/ Id Entry Digits Min Max Class Prio Route
TableEntry Create 2 1 0 1 1 Internal 0 4
TableEntry Create 2 2 1 3 3 Internal 0 0
Table Create 3 Least Cost Routing
/ Id Entry Digits Min Max Class Prio Route
TableEntry Create 3 1 91607387 12 12 LongDistance 0 10
Table ID Number
Leading Digits to Collect
Table Entry ID Number
Call Classification
with Class of Service
(Not Used)
Table Name
Number of the
route (dial tone
facility) from
Routing Tables
Maximum and Minimum
Characters to Collect
Table 6 Dial Plan Command Fields
Field Description
Command Command name. For example, TableEntry Create is the command that make Class of Service
and call routing decisions based on the correspondence of dialed digits and table entry digits.
See “
Dial Plan Configuration File Commands” later in this chapter for a description of each
Table ID Number Table ID number. This is always 1 for the Internal dial plan table, 2 for the Incoming dial plan
table, and 3 for the Least Cost Routing Table.