telephone button mapping 174
phantom mailbox 263
and TAPI Route Points 266
extensions 57
H.323 calls 425
overview 263
Pickup Ext.
group button mapping 158
Pickup Group
group button mapping 157, 158
play/record extension
where to specify 310
Port Usage, voice mail 302
powered Ethernet cable
and LUI 352
dial plan 31
pretranslators 40
assigning 64
dial plan 31, 40
incoming calls 41
managing in dial plan 64
optional for VTLs 86
outgoing calls 42
removing from dial plan 65
viewing devices 64
PRI signaling, configuring
T1 Digital Line Card 248
prompted transfer, button 318
prompts 307
importing 307
prompts, defining 311
telephone button mapping 150
PSD (Personal Speed Dial) 184
telephone button mapping 158, 174
pulse dialing to tone dialing 159
Quality of Service (QoS) 406
Quick Reference Guides, viewing 350
automatically 339
line card port 194
telephones 133
time-dependent greetings 311
red alarm, T1 and E1 Digital Line Cards 364
redial button
group button mappings 158
telephone button mappings 174
redialing, dial prefix settings 52
redirected call, definition 265
regional settings 282
regional software
installing and configuring 342
release button
group button mappings 159
telephone 177, 178
telephone button mappings 174
remote calls 189
Analog Terminal Adapter (ATA) 205
Attendant Console 167
BRI groups 222
BRI-ST Digital Line Card 225
E1 Digital Line Card 240
E1 groups 237
line card port 192
T1 Digital Line Card 261
T1 groups 259
telephones 133
removing extension lists 62
removing telephone groups 144
REN (Ringer Equivalency Number)
definition 446
replacing a failed disk 292
replacing NCP battery 371
calls 347
dial plan 50
system data 346
system devices 346
system directory 345
rerouting, VTL calls 90
reserved in dial plan, button 318
restoring factory defaults 339
telephone button mapping 150
ringing patterns 284
Route Point
definition 265
system capacities 267
routing dial plan 31
SDN (Software Defined Networks) 66
firewalls 408