
Processor, Memory, and Bandwidth Requirements
Each G.711 call needs about 50 MHz on a Pentium II or 20 Mhz on a
Pentium III. Each G.723 call needs about 128 MHz on a Pentium II or 75
Mhz on a Pentium III. These speed requirements increase directly with the
number of ports. The IP router bandwidth requirements also increase
directly with the number of ports.
The bandwidth requirements for a Pentium II and a Pentium III are
Table 84
shows the speed and bandwidth requirements for different
numbers of ports. It assumes that each packet carries a 50-byte overhead.
The memory requirements to support port processing also increase with
each new port. A fully configured system, with the maximum number of
ports (100), needs 600 MB of main memory. Hard disk requirements are
less than 40 MB.
Table 85
lists the theoretical maximum number of ports that typical
Pentium processors can handle.
Table 84 Pentium Processor Capabilities
Pentium II Speed (MHz) Pentium III Speed (MHz) Bandwidth (Kbps) on the LAN
Ports G.711 G.723 G.711 G.723 G.711 G.723
2 100 256 40 150 153.6 38.4
4 200 512 80 300 307.2 76.8
8 400 1000 160 600 614.4 153.6
16 800 2000 320 1200 1228.8 307.2
32 1600 4000 640 2400 2457.6 614.4
64 3200 10000 1280 4800 4915.2 1228.8
100 5000 12800 2000 7500 7680 1920