Managing the Dial Plan Configuration File 49
The sample default files include examples of such things as timed routes
and pretranslators. Verify that you rename the new configuration file with
a unique file name so that you do not overwrite the sample default file.
6 Click Save.
Testing a Dial Plan This section describes how to test the currently loaded dial plan by
placing a simulated call.
Even if the NBX system is completely installed and operational, a test
places a simulated, not an actual call.
Example: If you have an entry in the dial plan for digit sequences starting
with 91, with MIN and MAX set to 5, and you test the sequence 9123,
the dial plan test reports an insufficient number of digits. However, in
actual operation, the NBX system would time out waiting for the fifth
digit, and then attempt to place the call. Assuming that the outside line
prefix is 9 (such as in the United States), this situation would obtain an
outside line (9) and then dial the numbers 123.
You can specify a day of the week and a time by selecting entries from
the Day/Time list boxes. This choice instructs the system to act as if the
day and time you select are the current day and time.
If you have timed routes defined in the dial plan, you use different day
and time settings to determine whether the timed route works properly.
Example: Assume that you want a timed route to select route 35 during
open business hours Monday through Friday, but route 36 when business
is closed on those days and on weekends. After you define the timed
route commands and import the modified file, you then test using days
and times within business hours (to verify that the system selects route 35)
and during closed hours and weekends (to verify that it selects route 36).
You can also use day and time settings to test whether the Class of
Service settings operate as expected.
Example: You can configure the dial plan to allow toll calls from an
extension during open business hours, but to disallow such calls when
the business is closed and on weekends. Test using days and times within
business hours (to confirm that you can make toll calls from that
extension) and during closed hours and weekends (to confirm that the
system prevents such calls).