Company X Accessories C1030-5510 Electronic Keyboard User Manual

lets assume to use c:\\udkapi.
cd \udkapi
CMake allows the build directory separated to the source directory, so it's a good idea to do
it inside an empty sub-directory:
mkdir build
cd build
The following code requires an installation of CMake and at least one supported Visual
Studio version. If CMake isn't included into the PATH environment variable, the path must
be specified as well:
cmake ..
This searches the preferred Visual Studio installation and creates projects for it. Visual
Studio Express users may need to use the command prompt offered by their installation. If
multiple Visual Studio versions are installed, CMake's command parameter '-G' can be
used to specify a special one, see CMake's documentation in this case. This process
creates the solution files inside c:\\udkapi\\build. All subsequent tasks can be done in Visual
Studio (with the created solution), another invocation of cmake isn't necessary under
normal circumstances.
Important: The UDK C++ API must be build with the same toolchain and build flags like
the application that uses it. Otherwise unwanted side effects in exception handling will
occur ! (See example in Add project to UDK build).
Info: It is easy to create different builds with different Visual Studio versions by creating
different build directories and invoke CMake with different '-G' options inside them:
cd \udkapi
mkdir build2005
cd build2005
cmake -G"Visual Studio 8 2005" ..
cd ..
mkdir build2008
cd build2008
cmake -G"Visual Studio 9 2008" ..
USBS6 / C1030-5510
User Doc V0.3 -32- preliminary