Company X Accessories C1030-5510 Electronic Keyboard User Manual

unsigned char *pucData, unsigned int uiSize, unsigned int uiIncAddress)
.NET void ceDevice.WriteBlock(uint uiAddess, byte[] Data, uint uiLen, bool bIncAddress)
Transfer a given block of data to the 32 bit bus system address uiAddress. The size should
never exceed the value retrieved by GetMaxTransferSize() for the specific device.
bIncAddress is at the moment available for USB devices only. It flags to write all data to the
same address instead of starting at it.
API Code
C++ bool ceDevice::WaitForInterrupt(unsigned int uiTimeOutMS)
C CE_RESULT WaitForInterrupt(CE_DEVICE_HANDLE Handle, unsigned int
uiTimeOutMS, unsigned int *puiRaised)
.NET bool ceDevice.WaitForInterrupt(uint uiTimeOutMS)
(PCI only) Check if the interrupt is raised by the FPGA design. If this is done in the time
specified by the timeout, the function returns immediately flagging the interrupt is raised
(return code / *puiRaised). Otherwise, the function returns after the timeout without
Important: If an interrupt is caught, EnableInterrupt() must be called again before checking
for the next. Besides that, the FPGA must be informed to lower the interrupt line in any
API Code
C++ void ceDevice::EnableInterrupt()
C CE_RESULT EnableInterrupt(CE_DEVICE_HANDLE Handle)
.NET void ceDevice.EnableInterrupt()
(PCI only) Must be called in front of calling WaitForInterrupt() and every time an interrupt is
caught and should be checked again.
API Code
C++ void ceDevice::ResetFPGA()
.NET void ceDevice.ResetFPGA()
USBS6 / C1030-5510
User Doc V0.3 -47- preliminary