Using the Downstream Keyer (DSK)
4. Perform composition and output.
Pressing the [AUTO] button for DSK performs composition of the selected FOREGROUND picture superimposed on the
selected BACKGROUND picture. The composited video is output to a projector or other device connected to the PGM
OUT connectors.
5. Adjust the key level.
You can adjust the key level by turning the [KEY LEVEL] dial. Turning it all the way to [MIN] makes no key
at all, and outputs the FOREGROUND picture unchanged. At [MAX], keying is maximum, and only the
BACKGROUND picture is output. Find the place where the key level is exactly right.
By default, black is the key color used in key composition. Keyed material featuring white, yellow or brightly colored (non-dark) text or
logos on a black background produces optimal “overlay” onto your background video. You can also use the menus to select a different
color. Refer to “Changing Settings Using the Menus” (p. 36) and “Menu List” (p. 38).
You can also add edge blur (soft edges) to text or logos displayed in the composited foreground. Edge blur can help reduce jagged, noisy
edges on your key material. The degree of blur is set using the menus. Refer to “Changing Settings Using the Menus” (p. 36) and “Menu
List” (p. 38).
You can also display the FOREGROUND picture as an inset screen using Picture-in-Picture, instead of using key composition. You use
the menus to change the DSK mode. Refer to “Changing Settings Using the Menus” (p. 36) and “Menu List” (p. 38).