
Parameter Range Explanation
CUTOFF Modify the cuto frequency of the lter. (p. 33)
RESONANCE Modify the amount of emphasis for the overtones in the region of the cuto frequency (p. 34).
KEY FOLLOW Modify the extent to which the cuto frequency is aected by the keyboard position (p. 34).
ENV-A Modify the attack time of the lter envelope (p. 35).
ENV-D Modify the decay time of the lter envelope (p. 35).
ENV-S Modify the sustain level of the lter envelope (p. 35).
ENV-R Modify the release time of the lter envelope (p. 35).
ENV-DEPTH Modify the amount by which the cuto frequency is controlled by the lter envelope (p. 35).
LEVEL Modify the volume (p. 35).
ENV-A Modify the attack time of the amp envelope (p. 35).
ENV-D Modify the decay time of the amp envelope (p. 36).
ENV-S Modify the sustain level of the amp envelope (p. 36).
ENV-R Modify the release time of the amp envelope (p. 36).
CONTROL 1 Perform the same operation as the panel [CONTROL 1] knob (p. 38).
LEVEL Perform the same operation as the panel [LEVEL] knob (p. 38).
PORTAMENTO-TIME Modify the portamento time (p. 20).
BENDER Apply the pitch bend eect. (p. 19).
MODULATION Apply modulation (p. 19).
Determine the polarity of the D BEAM (p. 21).
When setting the D BEAM ASSIGN parameter, move the knob or slider to specify the direction in which
value changes are to take place.
Eect Parameters
Parameter Range Explanation Explanation Panel operation
Drive 0–127 Adjusts the depth of distortion. Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Type 1–6 Selects the type of distortion.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Presence 0–127
Adjusts the tone for the ultra high
frequency range.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.
Drive 0–127 Adjusts the depth of distortion. Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Type 1–6 Selects the type of distortion.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Presence 0–127
Adjusts the tone for the ultra high
frequency range.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.
Sample Rate 0–127 Adjusts the sample rate. Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Bit Down 0–127 Adjusts the bit depth.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Filter 0–127 Adjusts the lter depth.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.
Feedback 0–127
Adjusts the proportion of eect
sound that is returned to the input.
Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Depth 0–127 Adjusts the depth of modulation.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Rate 0–127 Adjusts the speed of modulation.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.
Resonance 0–127
Determines the amount of
Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Depth 0–127 Adjusts the depth of modulation.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Rate 0–127 Adjusts the speed of modulation.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.