
Configuration Parameters 07/06 Danaher Motion
24 Initial Release M-S2-021-11
Object Number
3564 (hex) IN2 Variable ro Status of Digital Input 2
3565 (hex) IN2MODE Variable rw Function of Digital Input 2
3566 (hex) IN2TRIG Variable rw Variable for IN2MODE
3567 (hex) IN3 Variable ro Status of Digital Input 3
3568 (hex) IN3MODE Variable rw Function of Digital Input 3
3569 (hex) IN3TRIG Variable rw Variable for IN3MODE
356A (hex) IN4 Variable ro Status of Digital Input 4.
356B (hex) IN4MODE Variable rw Function of Digital Input 4
356C (hex) IN4TRIG Variable rw Variable for IN4MODE
356D (hex) INPOS Variable ro Status of In-Position Signal
356E (hex) IPEAK Variable rw Application Peak Current
3570 (hex) IQ Variable ro Q-Component of Current Monitor
3571 (hex) ISCALE1 Variable rw Scaling of Analog Current Setpoint 1
3572 (hex) ISCALE2 Variable rw Scaling of Analog Current Setpoint 2
3577 (hex) ML Variable rw Stator Inductance of the Motor
3578 (hex) LATCH2P16 Variable rw Latched 16-bit Position (positive edge)
3579 (hex) LATCH2N16 Variable rw Latched 16-bit Position (negative edge)
357A (hex) LATCH2P32 Variable rw Latched 32-bit Position (positive edge)
357B (hex) LATCH2N32 Variable rw Latched 32-bit Position (negative edge)
357C (hex) LATCH1P32 Variable rw Latched 32-bit Position (positive edge)
357D (hex) LATCH1N32 Variable rw Latched 32-bit Position (negative edge)
3584 (hex) MAXTEMPE Variable rw Ambient Temperature Switch off Threshold
3585 (hex) MAXTEMPH Variable rw Heat Sink Temperature Switch off Threshold
3586 (hex) MAXTEMPM Variable rw Motor Temperature Switch off Threshold
3587 (hex) MBRAKE Variable rw Select Motor Holding Brake
358C (hex) VLIM Variable rw Max. Velocity
358D (hex) MH Command Start Homing
358E (hex) MICONT Variable rw Motor Continuous Current Rating
358F (hex) MIPEAK Variable rw Motor Peak Current Rating
3591 (hex) MJOG Command Start Jog Mode
3592 (hex) MVANGLP Variable rw Velocity-dependent Lead (Commutation Angle)
3593 (hex) MKT Variable rw Motor KT
3595 (hex) MLGC Variable rw Current Control loop Adaptive Gain (Q-component at rated
3596 (hex) MLGD Variable rw Adaptive Gain for Current Control loop, D-component
3597 (hex) MLGP Variable rw Current Control loop Adaptive Gain (Q-component at peak
3598 (hex) MLGQ Variable rw Absolute Gain of Current Control loop
3599 (hex) MNUMBER Variable rw Motor Number
359C (hex) MPHASE Variable rw Motor Phase, Feedback Offset
35A3 (hex) MSPEED Variable rw Maximum Rated Motor Velocity
35A5 (hex) MTANGLP Variable rw Current Lead
35A6 (hex) MTYPE Variable rw Motor Type
35A7 (hex) MVANGLB Variable rw Velocity-dependent Lead (Start Phi)
35A8 (hex) MVANGLF Variable rw Velocity-dependent Lead (Limit Phi)
35AA (hex) NONBTB Variable rw Mains-BTB Check On/Off
35AD (hex) NREF Variable rw Homing Mode