
Configuration Parameters 07/06 Danaher Motion
28 Initial Release M-S2-021-11
Object Number
38F2 (hex) KVI Variable-rw Velocity loop break out frequency
38F3 (hex) ILmtPlus Variable-rw Upper current limit
38F4 (hex) ILmtMinus Variable-rw Lower current limit
38F5 (hex) buErrcode Variable-ro Error codes for base unit faults
38F6 (hex) ocErrcode Variable-ro Error codes for OptionCard faults
38F7 (hex) WarningCode Variable-ro Warning Code from common functions
38F8 (hex) CommMode Variable-rw Commutation feedback type
38F9 (hex) DPoles Variable-rw Motor pole count
38FA (hex) EncIn1Lines Variable-rw Encoder 1 lines
38FB (hex) EncIn2Lines Variable-rw Encoder 2 lines
38FC (hex) HallState Variable-ro Current state of Halls
38FD (hex) CommOffset Variable-rw Commutation offset
38FE (hex) EncOvrSpeed Variable-rw Encoder overspeed
38FF (hex) AlignSpeed Variable-rw Maximum velocity (speed) during hall alignment
3900 (hex) MotorConfigured Variable-rw Motor configured flag
3901 (hex) KPP Variable-rw Position Loop Proportional Gain
3902 (hex) KVFF Variable-rw Positio loop velocity feed forward
3903 (hex) KTFF Variable-rw Position loop torque feed forward
3A46 (hex) RS232BaudRate Variable-rw RS232 baud rate selection
3A47 (hex) ReceiptionTimeout Variable-rw ModBus timeout while receiving a telegram
3A48 (hex) ModBusCommunicatio
Variable-rw Time gap between two modbus messages
3A49 (hex) CANBaudRate Variable-rw CAN baud rate
3B40 (hex) MTemp(BU[PK1]) Variable-ro Motor Temperature
3B41 (hex) EMUFunc(BU) Variable-rw Emulater A and B I/O mode
3B42 (hex) CommMode(BU) Variable-rw Commutation Mode
3B43 (hex) CmdSrc(BU) Variable-rw Select source of command
3B48 (hex) DM1Map(BU) Variable-rw Selects variable send to DAC monitor 1
3B4A (hex) DM2Map(BU) Variable-rw Selects variable send to DAC monitor 2
3B4B (hex) Baseunit.Model(BU) Variable-ro Baseunit Model Number
3B51 (hex) ILmtPlus(BU) Variable-rw Current limit clock-wise
3B52 (hex) FltDiag(BU) Variable-rw Fault diagnostic output
3B54 (hex) EncOut(BU) Variable-rw Emulated encoder output line count
3B5F (hex) SetupS2(BU) Variable-ro State of 4 position DIP switch S2
3B60 (hex) SetupS1(BU) Variable-ro State of rotary switch S1
3B62 (hex) VelFB(BU) Variable-ro Velocity feedback value
3B63 (hex) LogicVer(BU) Variable-ro Version of the drive logic
3B6A (hex) HSTemp(BU) Variable-ro Heat sink temperature
3B71 (hex) MTempLimit(BU) Variable-rw Motor over temperature limits
3B72 (hex) MTempLimitPol(BU) Variable-rw Polarity of MTemp fault comparison
3B78 (hex) VBus(BU) Variable-ro Bus voltage
3B7F (hex) ITMode(BU) Variable-rw I*t fault mode
3B89 (hex) IqFB(BU) Variable-ro Iq current feedback
3B8A (hex) IdFB(BU) Variable-ro Id current feedback
3B8B (hex) Velocity(BU) Variable-ro Filtered shaft velocity feedback