02891989 ’02-1-**-21N
INS-FX Parameter Correspondence Chart
* mono: These are effects involving the sound generator that are composed monaurally. The sound generator section and LFO pan are disabled when
monaural effects are applied while the connection of the Insertion Effects and the reverb/delay is set to “SEr” (Series).
* SLICER SYNC: The slicer pattern starts when the INS-FX button is pressed to turn the effect on.
* 2-VOICE PITCH SHIFTER/FEEDBACK PITCH SHIFTER: You can select either of two types of effect with the “COLOR” setting: “Coa” (coarse),
where changes are made in semitone units; and “Fin” (fine), where the changes occur smoothly.
* RESONANCE DELAY: To make the feedback sound come through more clearly, first press [INS-FX] to turn the effect off.
* With the SYNC effects, the modulation (LFO) cycle starts at the time [INS-FX] is pressed.
* With the SYNC effects, you can select from the following cycles with [INTENSITY]. (Thirty-second note, Sixteenth note, Dotted sixteenth note,
Eighth note, Dotted eighth note, Quarter note, Dotted quarter note, Half note, Dotted half note, Whole note, Whole note x 2, Whole note x 4, Whole
note x 8)
Effect Name INTENSITY Knob FX/SYSTEM Knob (Set with [VALUE ▼/▲])
STEREO EQ Peaking GAIN Peaking Frequency Q 700Hz Gain
EZ FILTER Cutoff Frequency Filter Type Q EQ Gain
ISOLATOR Gain Band Assign Low Boost SW – mono
AUTO WAH Rate Filter Type Depth Manual mono
OVERDRIVE Drive Amp Type EQ Gain Level mono
DISTORTION 1 Drive Amp Type EQ Gain Level mono
DISTORTION 2 Drive Amp Type Tone Level mono
STEREO COMPRESSOR Sustain Attack Post Gain EQ Gain
STEREO LIMITER Threshold Release Ratio Post Gain
PHASER Rate Resonance Depth Mix mono
ROTARY Rate Type Separation High Gain mono
HEXA-CHORUS Balance Depth Deviation Rate Depth
TREMOLO CHORUS Tremolo Rate Phase Chorus Rate Chorus Depth
SPACE-D Chorus Rate Chorus Phase Chorus Depth Level
STEREO FLANGER Rate Phase Depth Feedback
STEP FLANGER Step Rate Phase Depth Feedback
STEP FLANGER SYNC Step Rate (Note) Phase Depth Feedback
RING MODULATOR Frequency Polarity Sens Balance
LOFI Cutoff Frequency LoFi Type Post Filter Post Gain mono
LOFI NOISE Disc Noise Level LoFi Type Disc Noise Type Post Gain mono
SLICER Rate Pattern Shuffle Attack
SLICER SYNC Rate (Note) Pattern Shuffle Attack
TREMOLO Rate Wave Type Depth EQ Gain
TREMOLO SYNC Rate (Note) Wave Type Depth EQ Gain
AUTO PAN Rate Wave Type Depth EQ Gain
AUTO PAN SYNC Rate (Note) Wave Type Depth EQ Gain
2-VOICE PITCH SHIFTER Pitch Pitch Mode Pre Delay Balance
FEEDBACK PITCH SHIFTER Pitch Pitch Mode Pre Delay Feedback
STEREO DELAY Delay Time HF Damp Feedback Balance
STEREO DELAY SYNC Delay Time (Note) HF Damp Feedback Balance
LONG DELAY Delay Time HF Damp Feedback Balance
LONG DELAY SYNC Delay Time (Note) HF Damp Feedback Balance
RESONANCE DELAY Delay Time HF Damp Feedback Balance
REVERB Time Type Pre Delay Balance
GATED REVERB Gate Time Type Pre Delay Balance