Patch List
Bank C (User) Bank D (User)
* After Factory Reset is executed, the content of Bank A is identical to that of Bank C, and the content of Bank B is identical to that of Bank D.
When the content of Arpeggio Styles and Chord Forms are overwritten, the sounds of Patch in which they are used change.
No. Patch Name Comment
C11 Bass 1 Bass sound with Resonance effect
C12 SyncLead 1 Oscillator Sync lead sound
C13 Slicer 1 Beat sound that uses the LFO
C14 Arpeggiator Saw 1 Dance sound with ample use of Arpeggiator
C15 Dist Lead Feedback lead with distortion strongly applied
C16 LFO Pulsing FX sound with heavy use of Noise waveform and LFO
C17 Spank Noize Noise sound used in the demo song “SPANK”
C18 GR300 Lead Lead sound using the distinctive analog-synth Saw wave
C21 Synth Orch Analog PAD sound
C22 Techno Saws Classic deeply-detuned Dance sound
C23 Ring Bell Bell sound produced with the Ring Modulator (INS-FX)
C24 Filter Arpeggiator Sound with a strong sense of beat produced with filter con-
trolled by Arpeggiator
C25 Noise Pad Noise sound with distinctive character
C26 Low Sweep Sweep sound typical of analog synth
C27 Bass Beat Bass sound with a sense of pulsation from the LFO
C28 Arpeggiator Saw 2 Dance sound with ample use of Arpeggiator
C31 Moving Noise FX sound using LFO
C32 Moving Strings String sound with changes produced using the LFO
C33 Soft Lead Distinctive analog-synth soft lead sound
C34 Arpeggiator Saw 3 Sequenced sound using Arpeggiator
C35 PWM Pad PAD sound using the PWM function
C36 Techno Voice Synth voice sound with Resonance
C37 Analog E.Piano Electric piano-type sound characteristic of analog synths
C38 Zap Classic sound that uses a higher Resonance setting
C41 Bass 2 Mild, low bass such as used in drum and bass
C42 Bass 3 Soft bass such as used in Hip Hop
C43 Bass 4 Classic SH-101-type bass sound
C44 Bass 5 SH-101-type bass sound with Resonance applied
C45 Bass 6 Classic Mini-type bass sound
C46 Bass 7 Synth bass using saw wave
C47 Comp-F Bass Bass sound used in the demo song “CompFusion”
C48 Bass 8 Bass sound with Resonance applied (variation)
C51 Bass 9 Bass sound with Unison function
C52 Bass 10 Bass sound using multiple oscillators
C53 Bass 11 Bass sound with Resonance applied (variation)
C54 Bass 12 TB-303 bass sound, as used frequently in Techno and other
C55 Bass 13 Bass sound with delay
C56 Spank Bass Bass sound used in the demo song “SPANK”
C57 Bass 14 Bass sound with distortion applied
C58 Lead 3 Pipe lead sound using triangle wave
C61 Lead 4 Pipe lead sound with combined rectangular wave and noise
C62 Lead 5 Lead sound with combined triangular wave and vibrato
C63 Lead 6 Lead sound using saw wave
C64 Lead 7 Lead sound with combined rectangular wave and pulse wave
C65 Lead 8 Lead sound using rectangular wave
C66 Lead 9 Lead sound with phaser added
C67 Lead 10 Lead sound with Resonance
C68 Lead 11 Lead sound with soft distortion added
C71 Lead 12 Lead sound using PWM
C72 Lead 13 Lead sound using SPECTRUM waveform
C73 Lead 14 Lead sound using Oscillator Sync
C74 Lead 15 Lead sound using distortion
C75 Lead 16 Lead sound with distortion and delay applied
C76 Syn Organ1 Synth organ sound
C77 Syn Organ1
C78 Synth Sitar Synth sitar
C81 Bell 1 Synth bell sound
C82 Bell 2 Synth bell sound variation
C83 Analog Piano 1 Analog synth piano-type sound
C84 Synth Clavi 1 Analog synth clavi sound
C85 Synth Clani 2 Analog clavi sound with distinctive attack
C86 Analog Key 1 Analog keyboard sound with Resonance
C87 Analog Key 2 Analog keyboard sound
C88 SEQ 1 Sound for analog sequences
No. Patch Name Comment
D11 SEQ 2 Sound for analog sequences
D12 SEQ 3
D13 Reso BPF 1 Sound with Sweep, typically used in Techno and other styles
D14 Reso BPF 2 Techno Sweep sound variation
D15 Reso HPF Techno Sweep sound with special filter characteristics
D16 LoFiRing LoFi sound using Ring Modulator
D17 4th Saws Techno sound with oscillator layering fourths
D18 Comp-F Lead Lead sound used in the demo song “CompFusion”
D21 4th Reso Saw Techno sound with Resonance
D22 SEQ 4 80’s-style analog sequence sound
D23 SEQ 5 Sound for analog sequence
D24 PolySynth 1 Polysynth sound
D25 PolySynth 2
D26 PolySynth 3
D27 PolySynth 4
D28 Comp-F Poly Synth sound used in the demo song “CompFusion”
D31 TRAVELER 1 Synth sound used in the demo song “TRAVELER”
D32 SawStack 1 Saw stack sound used for Dance, Techno, and other styles
D33 SawStack 2
D34 SawStack 3
D35 Brass 1 Classic analog brass sound
D36 Brass 2 Soft synth brass
D37 Brass 3 Soft synth brass with lots of resonance
D38 SynthPad 1 Synth PAD sound using saw wave
D41 SynthPad 2 Analog PAD sound
D42 SynthPad 3 Soft PAD sound with sweep
D43 SynthPad 4
D44 SynthPad 5 PAD sound with Phaser
D45 Analog Strings Analog strings sound
D46 Soft Strings Soft analog strings
D47 Oct Strings Analog strings sound with added octave
D48 SynthPad 6 HPF-swept PAD sound
D51 SynthPad 7 Bell PAD sound
D52 SynthPad 8 PAD sound with filter controlled by Arpeggiator
D53 SynthPad 9
D54 Slicer 2 PAD sound using slicer
D55 LFOPad PAD sound using LFO
D56 StepFlanger 1 PAD sound using Step Flanger
D57 StepFlanger 2
D58 Pot Analog percussion sound
D61 MetalStick Analog tambourine-like sound
D62 Electronica 1 Driving sound used in Electronica and other styles
D63 Arpeggiator Saw 3 Dance sound with ample use of Arpeggiator
D64 SynthFX 1 FX sound with ample use of LFO Slicer
D65 SynthFX 2 FX sound with ample use of LFO
D66 SynthFX 3
D67 SynthFX 4 PAD FX sound using Noise
D68 SynthFX 5 FX sound with ample use of LFO
D71 SynthFX 6 Classic analog FX sound using sample and hold LFO
D72 SynthFX 7 FX sound using LFO and Noise
D73 SynthFX 8 Sweep FX sound
D74 SynthFX 9 Classic FX sound using pink noise
D75 SynthFX 10 Bell FX sound with delay added
D76 SynthFX 11 Noise Sweep FX sound
D77 SynthFX 12 Analog sound simulating drops of water
D78 SweepingUp FX sound used in the demo song “SPANK”
D81 TRAVELER 2 Synth sound used in the demo song “TRAVELER”
D87 TRAVELER Bs Bass sound used in the demo song “TRAVELER”
D88 INIT PATCH Initial Patch (convenient Patch to use when creating sounds
from scratch)