
Commands by Subsystem 3
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 159
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:CHANnel<n>:UNITs <units>
<units> ::= {VOLT | AMPere}
<n> ::= {1 | 2} for the two channel oscilloscope models
<n>::={1|2|3|4}forthefour channel oscilloscope models
The :CHANnel<n>:UNITs command sets the measurement units for the
connected probe. Select VOLT for a voltage probe and select AMPere for a
current probe. Measurement results, channel sensitivity, and trigger level
will reflect the measurement units you select.
Query Syntax
The :CHANnel<n>:UNITs? query returns the current units setting for the
specified channel.
Return Format
<units> ::= {VOLT | AMP}
See Also "Introduction to :CHANnel<n> Commands" on page 143
":CHANnel<n>:RANGe" on page 157
":CHANnel<n>:PROBe" on page 152
":EXTernal:UNITs" on page 180