Commands by Subsystem 3
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 403
Introduction to
The WAVeform subsystem is used to transfer data to a controller from the
oscilloscope waveform memories. The queries in this subsystem will only
operate when the channel selected by :WAVeform:SOURce is on.
Waveform Data and Preamble
The waveform record is actually contained in two portions: the preamble
and waveform data. The waveform record must be read from the
oscilloscope by the controller using two separate commands,
:WAVeform:DATA (see page 410) and :WAVeform:PREamble (see page 417).
The waveform data is the actual data acquired for each point in the
specified source. The preamble contains the information for interpreting
the waveform data, which includes the number of points acquired, the
format of acquired data, and the type of acquired data. The preamble also
contains the X and Y increments, origins, and references for the acquired
data, so that word and byte data can be translated to time and voltage
Data Acquisition Types
There are three types of waveform acquisitions that can be selected for
analog channels with the :ACQuire:TYPE command (see page 132):
NORMal, AVERage, PEAK, and HRESolution. When the data is acquired
using the :DIGitize command (see page 96) or :RUN command (see
page 116), the data is placed in the channel buffer of the specified source.
Once you have acquired data with the :DIGitize command, the instrument
is stopped. If the instrument is restarted (via GPIB or the front panel), or
if any instrument setting is changed, the data acquired with the :DIGitize
command may be overwritten.You should first acquire the data with the
:DIGitize command, then immediately read the data with the
:WAVeform:DATA? query (see page 410) before changing any instrument
n/a :WAVeform:YINCrement?
(see page 431)
<return_value> ::= y-increment
value in the current preamble in
NR3 format
n/a :WAVeform:YORigin?
(see page 432)
<return_value> ::= y-origin in
the current preamble in NR3
n/a :WAVeform:YREFerence?
(see page 433)
<return_value> ::= y-reference
value in the current preamble in
NR1 format
Table 67 :WAVeform Commands Summary (continued)
Command Query Options and Query Returns