
412 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
3 Commands by Subsystem
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:WAVeform:FORMat <value>
<value> ::= {WORD | BYTE | ASCii}
The :WAVeform:FORMat command sets the data transmission mode for
waveform data points. This command controls how the data is formatted
when sent from the oscilloscope.
ASCii formatted data converts the internal integer data values to real
Y- axis values. Values are transferred as ASCii digits in floating point
notation, separated by commas.
ASCII formatted data is transferred ASCii text.
WORD formatted data transfers 16- bit data as two bytes. The
:WAVeform:BYTeorder command can be used to specify whether the
upper or lower byte is transmitted first. The default (no command sent)
is that the upper byte transmitted first.
BYTE formatted data is transferred as 8- bit bytes.
Query Syntax
The :WAVeform:FORMat query returns the current output format for the
transfer of waveform data.
Return Format
<value> ::= {WORD | BYTE | ASC}
See Also "Introduction to :WAVeform Commands" on page 403
":WAVeform:BYTeorder" on page 408
":WAVeform:DATA" on page 410
":WAVeform:PREamble" on page 417
Example Code "Example Code" on page 420