
Commands by Subsystem 3
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 333
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:TRIGger:CAN:TRIGger <condition>
<condition> ::= {SOF | DATA | ERRor | IDData | IDEither | IDRemote |
ALLerrors | OVERload | ACKerror}
The :TRIGger:CAN:TRIGger command sets the CAN trigger on condition:
SOF - will trigger on the Start of Frame (SOF) bit of a Data frame,
Remote Transfer Request (RTR) frame, or an Overload frame.
DATA - will trigger on CAN Data frames matching the specified Id,
Data, and the DLC (Data length code).
ERRor - will trigger on CAN Error frame.
IDData - will trigger on CAN frames matching the specified Id of a
Data frame.
IDEither - will trigger on the specified Id, regardless if it is a Remote
frame or a Data frame.
IDRemote - will trigger on CAN frames matching the specified Id of a
Remote frame.
ALLerrors - will trigger on CAN active error frames and unknown bus
OVERload - will trigger on CAN overload frames.
ACKerror - will trigger on a data or remote frame acknowledge bit that
is recessive.
The table below shows the programming parameter and the corresponding
front-panel softkey selection:
Remote <condition> parameter Front-panel Trigger on: softkey selection
(softkey text - softkey popup text)
SOF SOF - Start of Frame
DATA Id & Data - Data Frame Id and Data
ERRor Error - Error frame
IDData Id & ~RTR - Data Frame Id (~RTR)
IDEither Id - Remote or Data Frame Id
IDRemote Id & RTR - Remote Frame Id (RTR)
ALLerrors All Errors - All Errors
OVERload Overload - Overload Frame
ACKerror Ack Error - Acknowledge Error