
Commands by Subsystem 3
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 343
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:TRIGger[:EDGE]:LEVel <level>
<level> ::= <level>[,<source>]
<level> ::= 0.75 x full-scale voltage from center screen in NR3 format
for internal triggers
<level> ::= 2 V with probe attenuation at 1:1 in NR3 format for
external triggers
<source> ::= {CHANnel<n> | EXTernal}
<n>::={1|2|3|4}forthefour channel oscilloscope models
<n> ::= {1 | 2} for the two channel oscilloscope models
The :TRIGger[:EDGE]:LEVel command sets the trigger level voltage for the
active trigger source.
Query Syntax
:TRIGger[:EDGE]:LEVel? [<source>]
The :TRIGger[:EDGE]:LEVel? query returns the trigger level of the current
trigger source.
Return Format
See Also "Introduction to :TRIGger Commands" on page 313
":TRIGger[:EDGE]:SOURce" on page 346
If the optional source is specified and is not the active source, the level on the active source
is not affected and the active source is not changed.