Commands by Subsystem 3
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 243
Return Format <value><NL>
<value> ::= time in seconds of the specified transition in NR3 format
' Make a delay measurement between channel 1 and 2.
Dim dblChan1Edge1 As Double
Dim dblChan2Edge1 As Double
Dim dblChan1Edge2 As Double
Dim dblDelay As Double
Dim dblPeriod As Double
Dim dblPhase As Double
' Query time at 1st rising edge on ch1.
myScope.WriteString ":MEASURE:TEDGE? +1, CHAN1"
' Read time at edge 1 on ch 1.
dblChan1Edge1 = myScope.ReadNumber
' Query time at 1st rising edge on ch2.
myScope.WriteString ":MEASURE:TEDGE? +1, CHAN2"
' Read time at edge 1 on ch 2.
dblChan2Edge1 = myScope.ReadNumber
' Calculate delay time between ch1 and ch2.
dblDelay = dblChan2Edge1 - dblChan1Edge1
' Write calculated delay time to screen.
MsgBox "Delay = " + vbCrLf + CStr(dblDelay)
' Make a phase difference measurement between channel 1 and 2.
' Query time at 1st rising edge on ch1.
myScope.WriteString ":MEASURE:TEDGE? +2, CHAN1"
' Read time at edge 2 on ch 1.
dblChan1Edge2 = myScope.ReadNumber
' Calculate period of ch 1.
dblPeriod = dblChan1Edge2 - dblChan1Edge1
' Calculate phase difference between ch1 and ch2.
dblPhase = (dblDelay / dblPeriod) * 360
MsgBox "Phase = " + vbCrLf + CStr(dblPhase)
Example program from the start: "VISA COM Example in Visual Basic" on
page 578
See Also • "Introduction to :MEASure Commands" on page 218
• ":MEASure:TVALue" on page 244
• ":MEASure:VTIMe" on page 253